Kia Ora, I’m Emily

I am the heart and soul behind Counting Kiwis, and an Internationally Certified Family Sleep and Wellness Coach specialising in Infant and Toddler Sleep.

As both a Mum and a Family Sleep and Wellness Coach, my mission is to guide families toward restful, restorative sleep, empowering them with the confidence and knowledge to navigate their little ones' sleep patterns.

What we offer

  • 1:1 Support Packages

  • Personalised Sleep Plans

  • Troubleshooting Calls

  • Workshops and Coffee Groups

  • Newborn Support

Get Your Routine Back

At Counting Kiwis, we believe that every family deserves compassionate, inclusive, and family-centric support when it comes to their child’s sleep. We approach each family with genuine empathy and understanding, offering non-judgmental guidance tailored to your unique needs.

Our services are designed to be inclusive and accessible to all, respecting and celebrating diverse backgrounds and parenting styles. We prioritise the well-being of the entire family, recognising the interconnectedness of each member’s health and happiness. We empower families to feel confident in their approach to their child’s sleep, offering flexible plans with multiple optionsβ€”so you’re never left without a solution.

We understand that life can be unpredictable, and we believe that your child’s sleep should fit seamlessly into your life, not dictate it. Our personalised sleep plans and expert advice are here to bring structure, flexibility, and calm back into your daily routine, helping your family find peace and rest.

Our Approach


We approach every family with empathy and understanding, offering non-judgmental support tailored to their unique needs.


Our services and advice are designed to be inclusive and accessible to all families, respecting diverse backgrounds and parenting styles.


We prioritise the well-being of the entire family, recognising the interconnectedness of each member’s health and happiness.

What others have to say

  • 2.7 yo | Otago, New Zealand

    "Emily was a very supportive and understanding sleep consultant. She adapted a plan that met our family's needs, and her knowledge and accountability were invaluable, especially on nights or days that didn't go as planned. With her guidance, our toddler now falls asleep on his own, usually within ten minutes. We highly recommend Emily to other families looking to improve their little one’s sleep."

  • 7 mo | Otago, New Zealand

    "Emily is supportive, caring, and extremely understanding. Her practical approach to sleep consulting has equipped our family with routines and methods to support our baby’s sleep long-term. Now, our 7-month-old self-settles for naps and bedtime, and we feel confident in handling future sleep regressions. We highly recommend Emily to any parents seeking a more settled routine for their little ones."

  • 8 mo | Otago, New Zealand

    "Our time spent working with Emily was one of the best things we've ever done. Within days, we went from rocking and feeding our 8-month-old to sleep to having her fall asleep in her cot on her own within minutes. Emily’s unwavering support and perfectly tailored plan gave us the confidence and tools to get our sleep and evenings back. She has truly changed our lives."

  • 7.5 mo | Otago, New Zealand

    "Emily used her expert knowledge and holistic, gentle approach to formulate a sleep plan that works around our engagements while ensuring that Cooper is still having age-appropriate wake windows and long enough naps to get the restorative benefits of sleep. Cooper is now consistently taking two naps a day, including a 1.5–2.0 hour nap in the middle of the day! It has been transformative!"

Get in Touch!

Schedule a free 15 minute Counting Kiwis Discovery Call to discuss your child's sleep and settling needs. During this call, we'll help you find the perfect sleep support package tailored to your family. Our packages cater to children aged 16 weeks (corrected) to 5 years old.

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